Grateful thanks to kind hostel staff in Aqua calientes, who spoke little English but were so caring after the bus crash. That night they brought me up cup after cup of tea ,bananas, extra blankets, and next morning said I could stay in the room until my perurail train at 3 pm. They even carried my rucksack to the station for me.
Highly recommended |
By then I'd stopped crying, stretched until my stiff muscles unwound, and generally pulled myself together (ish).
Heading back to Cusco post bus crash. Covered in white antinflamatory cream ( clinic have it to me, it's good stuff) which helps conceal face bruises 😉 |
The sacred valley is magical: up here in the cloud forest it's impossible to be low, it lifts the spirit. Gazing up into the sky towards the summit where Machu Picchu sits I know I'm glad I came, despite the bus crash, because the place is so special.
Incredible views in sacred valley
Traveling back to Cusco via perurail through the phenomenal mountain range I gazed entranced at landscape unchanged for centuries. As we climbed out of the valley towards Cusco, despite (and also because 😀) aching limbs, cut legs and bruised face, i know memories of my time in Machu Picchu will stay with me forever.
Safely back in Cusco, safely reunited with my luggage (phew) and my travel kettle. Little things make such a difference. Yay, a cup of proper British tea!! And it's raining, I guess it's nature's way of preparing me for my return to UK soon 😊
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