Ciao south America


Salt flats, Bolivia

Machu Picchu, Cusco

Huachina, dune buggy riding in the desert sands

La Paz, riding the cable cars between the mountains in this vibrant city.

Unique awe inspiring experiences, all of them, with many more alongside, Peru and Bolivia are fantastic countries to visit.

Memorable moment:

Bus crash.  Never take life for granted. I still can't believe I walked away relatively unscathed.


Kind, generous people, keen to help everywhere.

The weather: I'm between seasons, officially it's still the wet season but I've been lucky, no rain anywhere bar Cusco, and it always rains in Cusco.

No crowds. As it's low season nowhere on the tourist trail has been too busy. Even Machu Picchu.

And finally:

Traveling independently is never easy but it's been surprisingly OK in both  Peru and Bolivia.

Full marks to Peruhop and sister company Boliviahop for excellent bus service. I#d πŸ’― recommend them, easy to log in/ book a seat whenever and wherever , flexible, reliable and with a fleet of ( mainly) modern buses.

I understand the company is expanding into more of south America so hopefully I'll be able to use them againπŸ˜€.

Worst aspects, hostel living.  The constant noise, the lack of hot water, the crazy plumbing.  I crave a silent night. And the food isn't brilliant for vegetarians here, I've eaten so many eggs I cluck. Fruit juices have been my saviour.  Otherwise it's pastry, sugar, pastry, sugar.....

The hardest part, as always, has been homesickness. I miss my family so much. Time to come home 😊 😊😊😊

the church is big business in Peru


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